My goal is to be able to control the position of a DC motor using a PID controller with the Labview interface for arduino (LIFA) and I am a facing a problem.
When I wire the motor's quadrature encoder to arduino analog pins and read them in LIFA, I a supposed to get 2 square wave signals, but I get funky-looking signals instead. They seem unreliable to me. What is happening? See image below
When searching the internet I found this thread saying that I'm in a dead-end since LIFA isn't fast enough to handle this kind of work. Is this true?
I also read that I should implement a code on the arduino itself to control the motor and then use LIFA only to send commands and display it on a GUI. But you can't send two programs on the arduino, right ? One to allow LIFA to work and the other to control the DC motor
I am trying to solve this first so that I can implement a pulse counter that will be able to control the position of the motor, after that I will be working on implementing a PID.
When I wire the motor's quadrature encoder to arduino analog pins and read them in LIFA, I a supposed to get 2 square wave signals, but I get funky-looking signals instead.
Encoders are digital devices. Why are you connecting them to analog pins? Why are you expecting an analog pin to give you a square wave?
Is this true?
It must be. I read it on the internet. Actually, it isn't an Arduino question, so has no place here.
But you can't send two programs on the arduino, right ?
Correct. So, ditch LIFA and use a real PC application that talks to the serial port.
Encoders are digital devices. Why are you connecting them to analog pins? Why are you expecting an analog pin to give you a square wave?
Because I should get a signal similar to this image (see attached) and I think it should be analog? The signal varies between 0 and Vcc (5V). When I wire my encoder signals in Arduino digital pins nothing happens.
Correct. So, ditch LIFA and use a real PC application that talks to the serial port.
What PC application would you suggest? I have all the hardware (motors, drivers, relays, etc) and now I need to build a GUI so that an user can choose between multiple motors and specify their position.
I started with Labview because I'm used to that program and because I have limited experice in coding something else than matlab. Coding an entire GUI seems like an enormous task for what I need, but maybe I am wrong.
Because I should get a signal similar to this image (see attached)
That looks like a square wave, with a pin jumping from LOW to HIGH and back to LOW. Looks digital to me.
The signal varies between 0 and Vcc (5V).
Please add a circle around the part where the signal is something other than 0 or 5V. I guess I'm missing that part.
When I wire my encoder signals in Arduino digital pins nothing happens.
Without seeing a schematic and some code, I can't begin to guess what is wrong.
now I need to build a GUI
A perfect job for C#, which is the easiest language to use to talk to the serial port, too. Of course, there are two threads - one for the GUI and one for the serial port, and the serial port thread can't talk directly to the UI objects. I have an example C# application that I can share, if you want.