Hi there
I have installed LAMPP recently on my Ubuntu 22.04 and Arduino IDE 2.03. I am using UNO rev3 and a internet shield W5500. To simplify my problem, I want to store 2 default float values to a database. I have defined a PHP script (actually 2) which stores both values to the data base when using the following syntax in my browser (BRAVE)
This updates the database correctly.
I check the internet connection via the following code in the arduino UNO
void save_record(float current_usage, float current_delivery) {
if (eth_client.connect(serv, 80)) {
The internet connection is ok ("Connected"). I also checked the server, dns, ip addresses which are correct as well.
eth_client.print("GET ethernet/store_p1_data.php?"); //Connecting and Sending values to database
Somehow above code has no effect at all that is, the database does not get updated at all. I checked the log files, but I could not discover error messages in the access_log nor in the error_log even the php_error_log does not have any messages at all. I also checked /var/log/syslog but the same result.
A message related to my project is in the access_log
"GET /ethernet/store_p1_data.php?current_usage=1200.12¤t_delivery=0.12 HTTP/1.1" 200 4
Are there any other loggings which I can check?
Please help me, for me it is impossible to discover the problem when there are no error logs.
By the way I managed in the past to read a power meter and store the data in the same database actually the same way with PHP script, which runs now for half a year without interruption. The code I use now is more or less a copy of that.
If I need to copy the code, please let me know how to add the code to this topic in a arduino formatted way. I could not find any and just copy paste will create baggercode.