Large delay when using Bluetooth to switch an arduino relay module

Hi, i am trying to switch between sequences in this program, i intend to use it in a garden lighting project, i have used MIT app inventor and generated an app on my android phone.

Programming is not my strong point so please forgive me, the code is as follows, it works but for some reason when i operate the relay via my phone i get a quick flash of an led on my Nano so i know the signal has been received.

The relay is taking up to 4 seconds plus to react....... i tried to do the same job with a transistor and i also tried with an optical relay but my novice ability is not good enough to make it work.

I tried to do it direct with the arduino, no mechanical intervention but i could not make it work, i am sure someone has seen this code before, i am switching 38 WS2812 led's, putting pin 2 to ground to switch between lighting effects.

Any help will be greatly received.

#include "FastLED.h"
#include <EEPROM.h>
#define NUM_LEDS 38
#define PIN 6
#define BUTTON 2
byte selectedEffect=0;
int relay=9;
int Received=0;
int relay_state = 0;

void setup()

FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip );
pinMode(2,INPUT_PULLUP); // internal pull-up resistor
attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt (BUTTON), changeEffect, CHANGE); // pressed

void loop() {
Received =;
if(selectedEffect>18) {
if (relay_state == 0 && Received == '6')
switch(selectedEffect) {

case 0 : {
// RGBLoop - no parameters

I am unable to add the whole code, it is too big.

Regards Martin

if it is too big to post, that is probably why it's slow

you are not posting it in code tags, per instructions:

Read "How To Use This Forum"

in particular, 7. If you are posting code or error messages, use "code" tags

This is what happens when you do not

is it too big to attach? it does not matter, because nobody is going to set their life aside to check out 18k of code. I'm just asking.

How long does RGBLoop() take to run? Add that to the 'delay(1000)' you have in loop() and that will cause a delay in responding to serial input.