Large Digit LED Display

I am thinking of a project where I can drive 3 large 7-Segment digits (with decimal point) over a long wire from an Arduino. I would like approximately 3" bright red digits. Long wire means 100' from the Arduino.

I am happy to use balanced line drivers and receivers, but I am thinking my problem will be some sort of 7-segment driver that can handle the current.

Update rate can be slow ( 2 X second ). I want to display MPH such as 6.5 MPH or as much as 16.5 MPH

Anyone have a good idea for me?

How do you power the display?

Your problem will be the electronic circuit, required to receive, hold and show the information on the display. If you don't know that the display size is unimportant for the circuit layout, you should get qualified local help for your project.

Common anode displays and TPIC6B595 shift registers are commonly used for that.
Sparkfun has a large digit driver module for that.

I am sorry that I did not explain my question better.

I have used devices such as the MAX7219 8-Digit Display Driver with smaller 7-segment displays before. They can be controlled with three wires and I suppose I could extend those wires using a variety of means.

I don't have a power supply restriction, I can supply whatever I need.

I don't suspect that a chip like the MAX7219 would be powerful enough to directly drive some of the 3" and 4" giant 7-segment displays I see being sold on the internet.

I am wondering if anyone here can recommend some other Display Driver that that might be more suitable.

I will check out the Sparkfun referral.

Thank You

This board uses the TPIC6C596. Another member of the same family.
The TPIC6B595 is through-hole, and $0.50 on ebay.