latest cruise control program review request

I have completed a functional sketch for my cruise project. I have extensive bench testing and it works very well. I would like to get some feedback on any improvements I might be able to make or ways to shrink the file down. I have a attach interrupt function and another function to average data gathered from the attach interrupt. This has been quite a challenge for me to get working so I don’t know if it was the best way to go about it. I have put notes on everything to try and explain what the program is doing. I will place the rest of the code in a second posting

#include <Bounce.h>
#define interval 500
#define interval2 1500
#include <Servo.h>
/////////void averageMilliTick() and hallSensTicks()//Variables///misc timer variables///////
const int numberOfEntries = 16; //16 millis (magnet readings) = 10 feet and .228576 seconds @ 30 MPH//
unsigned int results[numberOfEntries];
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis2 = 0;
unsigned long currentMillis2 = 0;
volatile int total = 0;
volatile unsigned long lastTime = 0; 
volatile byte index = 0;
int average = 0;
int averageOld = 0;
int newAverage = 0;
//////////////////servo settings/////////////////////////////////////////
Servo throttleServo; // Define throttle Servo
int servoPos = 30;    // Initial power up “servo position”
int moveServoAmount = 1;    // move the servo 1 degrees per 1/125 pulse
int moveServoAmount2 = 3;    // move the servo 3 degrees per 1/125 pulse
///////////////////////Throttle settings////////////////////////////////
const int pin_ThrottleUp = 4;
const int pin_ThrottleDn = A2;  // pin 14
unsigned char encoder_ThrottleUp;
unsigned char encoder_ThrottleDn;
unsigned char encoder_ThrottleUp_prev=0;
///////////////Buttons settings/////////////////////////////////////////
const int speedUpPin = 11; // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int speedDnPin = 10;
const int clutchPin = 8;
const int brakePin = 9;
unsigned long startPress=0;
int buttonState1 = 0;
int buttonState2 = 0;
//Debounce objects
// Instantiate a Bounce object with a 10 millisecond debounce time
long debounceDelay = 20;
Bounce cruiseUp = Bounce(speedUpPin, debounceDelay);
Bounce cruiseDn = Bounce(speedDnPin, debounceDelay);
Bounce brakeReleaseToThrottle = Bounce(brakePin, debounceDelay);
Bounce clutchReleaseToThrottle = Bounce(clutchPin, debounceDelay);

void setup(){
  throttleServo.attach(12); // servo on digital pin 12
  throttleServo.write(30);//set initial throttle position to 30 degree//
  pinMode(pin_ThrottleUp, INPUT_PULLUP);//initialize throttle encoder//
  pinMode(pin_ThrottleDn, INPUT_PULLUP);//initialize throttle encoder//
  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
  pinMode(speedUpPin, INPUT_PULLUP);//initialize button//
  pinMode(speedDnPin, INPUT_PULLUP);//initialize button//
  pinMode(clutchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);//initialize button//
  pinMode(brakePin, INPUT_PULLUP);//initialize button//
  attachInterrupt(1, hallSensTicks, RISING);//attach interrupt to read hall sensor at rear wheel//
[code]void loop(){
  cruiseUp.update();//update bounce on cruise up button//
  cruiseDn.update();//update bounce on cruise down button//
  encoder_ThrottleUp = digitalRead(pin_ThrottleUp);//read throttle encoder going up//
  encoder_ThrottleDn = digitalRead(pin_ThrottleDn);//read throttle encoder going down//
  if (encoder_ThrottleUp != encoder_ThrottleUp_prev){
    if (encoder_ThrottleUp == encoder_ThrottleDn){ //if encoder is read going Up, adjust throtte. two steps for progressive throttle//
      if(servoPos + moveServoAmount <= 90) servoPos += moveServoAmount;   // advance throttle by 1 position if less than 90 degree
        if(servoPos + moveServoAmount >= 91 && servoPos + moveServoAmount < 200) servoPos += moveServoAmount2;// advance throttle by 3 position if > 90 or < 200 degree
    else { //if encoder is read going down, adjust throtte. two steps for progressive throttle//
      if(servoPos - moveServoAmount >= 91) servoPos -= moveServoAmount2;  // retard throttle by 1 position if less than 90 degree
        if(servoPos - moveServoAmount <= 90 && servoPos - moveServoAmount >= 20) servoPos -= moveServoAmount;// retard throttle by 3 position if > 90 or < 200 degree
  encoder_ThrottleUp_prev = encoder_ThrottleUp;
  throttleServo.write(servoPos); //write updated throttle position//
  averageMilliTick();//call to function averageMilliTick() to get average millis count between every 
  //10 readings off the back wheel 10 magnets on the wheel = 1 rotation//
  if (( == HIGH) || ( == HIGH))//start of cruise control mode//
    averageMilliTick();//call to function averageMilliTick() to get average millis count between every 
    //10 readings off the back wheel 10 magnets on the wheel = 1 rotation//
    averageOld = average; //set averageOld = to average before entering the button enabled mode//
    int ButtonModeEnabled = 1;
    if (ButtonModeEnabled == 1)//set button mode to yes locks throttle position and disengages throttle encoder//
      while (ButtonModeEnabled == 1){//while in button mode// 
        cruiseUp.update();//update the status of the cruise up button//
        cruiseDn.update();//update the status of the cruise down button//
        brakeReleaseToThrottle.update();//update the status of the brake button//
        clutchReleaseToThrottle.update();//update the status of the clutch button//
        averageMilliTick(); //call to function averageMilliTick() to get average millis count between every 
        //10 readings off the back wheel 10 magnets on the wheel = 1 rotation//        
        unsigned long currentMillis = millis();//timer delay to allow program to keep looping but count before continuing//
        if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) {
          previousMillis = currentMillis;//set currentMillis2 for next pass thru//
          if (buttonState1 == 1){
            newAverage = average;//set newAverage to match average for refference comparison later//
            buttonState1 = 0;
          if (buttonState2 == 1){
            newAverage = average;//set newAverage to match average for refference comparison later//
            buttonState2 = 0;
          if (newAverage != average){//start of comparison of newAverage to average to adjust throttle position to adjust for speed gain or loss//
            if (average - newAverage > 2){//if speed has advanced then retard the throttle by 1 position//
              throttleServo.write(servoPos -= 1);
            if (newAverage - average > 2){//if speed has declined then advance the throttle by 1 position//
              throttleServo.write(servoPos += 1);
            unsigned long currentMillis2 = millis();//sets second, longer timer delay to let speed adjust before comparing and making adjustments again//
            if(currentMillis2 - previousMillis2 > interval2) {
              if (newAverage != average){//start of comparison of newAverage to average to adjust throttle position to adjust for speed gain or loss//
                previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;//set currentMillis2 for next pass thru//
                if (average - newAverage > 2){//if speed has advanced then retard the throttle by 1 position//
                  throttleServo.write(servoPos -= 1);
                if (newAverage- average > 2){//if speed has declined then advance the throttle by 1 position//
                  throttleServo.write(servoPos += 1);                  
        //if cruise decrease throttle goes high write -1 to servo//
        if ( == HIGH)
          buttonState1 = 1;
          throttleServo.write(servoPos += 1); //Add 2 degrees to servo position for increased motor rpm//
          servoPos =;
        //if cruise increase throttle goes high write +1 to servo//
        if ( == HIGH)
          buttonState2 = 1;
          throttleServo.write(servoPos -= 1); //Add 2 degrees to servo position for increased motor rpm
          servoPos =;
        //if clutch or brake lever is pulled the relay is trigered and timer starts to release control to throttle encoder//
        else if (( == LOW) & ( == LOW))
          startPress = 0;
        else if (startPress == 0){//start millis count once clutch or brake relays are read high//
          startPress = millis();
        //if millis is greater than 200 this will release control back to the throttle encoder. button must be held for more than .2 seconds/
        //this eliminates button bounce on the relays//
        else if (millis() - startPress > 200)
          servoPos = 30;
          ButtonModeEnabled = 0; //Set loop exit condition

//function to call total from hallSenseTicks attachinterrupt and averag the total millis count//
void averageMilliTick(){
  if(index >= numberOfEntries){    
    for(byte i=0; i < numberOfEntries; i++){
      average = total / numberOfEntries;//I can not say that I understand why i need this part but i know that it works//
    total = 0;//reset total to 0 for next 16 entry calculation
    index = 0;//reset index to 0 for next 16 entry calculation
    memset (results, 0, sizeof(results));//reset array for next set of numbers//
//Hall Sensor interrupt//loads 16 millis readings into Array and totals the array//
void hallSensTicks(){
  if (index < numberOfEntries){//if index (16) is not full then add to index
    if (index>0); //skip Number one to avoid non movement time//
      results[index] = millis() - lastTime;//logging elapsed time between hall sensor rising states//
      total += results[index];//totaling the 16 readings//
    index ++;
  lastTime = millis();//set millis count for next time thru the attachinterrupt loop//


void hallSensTicks()
  if (index < numberOfEntries)
    if (index>0);     // NOTE: PROBABLY NOT WHAT YOU WANTED!!!

and this is silly:

    int ButtonModeEnabled = 1;
    if (ButtonModeEnabled == 1)

ButtonModeEnabled can't be anything but 1 when the "if" statement is executed, so the "if" is redundant.
