Hi guys,
I am new in here.I try to drive step motor with encoder.Encoder is 1000 pulse and has 2 output.I use only a output.I want to make treading system for dıy lathe.one revolution of the stepper motor 200 pulses.When arduino receives 25 pulse by the encoder,I want that step motor goes 1 pulse as way.The encoder turn 1 spin =1000 pulse, Step motor goes to 40 pulse that same as 2mm per revelotion
My mill 300 rpm ,step motor must be 60 rpm.
But I have a problem that code is so slow.
AND receiving fast that encoder, Arduino makes fault.
int counter = 0; #define dirPin 8 #define stepPin 9
void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600);
pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); // Encoderden çıkan yeşil yada sarı kabloyu Arduinonun 2. pinine
pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), Interrupt_function, RISING);
Before you get too far along in this project. Be aware that using a stepper motor anywhere in a lathe will cause "chatter" while cutting metal. ANY pulsing anywhere will cause the cutting force to vary plus and minus, which is the definition of chatter. Use a DC motor and control it.
Have you seem how many they must sell on home shopping channels.
There must be millions of them out there gathering garage dust.
Also they are a tough motor designed for high and very dynamic torque loads.