Layout for Mega-ISP?

Hi there :0)
Its quite frustrating, but i am stuck at a very small program - i try to make an MEGA-ISP Arduino that uses a ZIF socket for the Atmel to be programmed - yet whatever i try seems to fail.. is there any wiring diagram available on how to do that? I always thought one only has to wire the MISO, MOSI etc from the source to the target as well as 5V and a crystal.. is there more about it?

Are you trying to get an Arduino to act like an ISP programmer?

and a crystal

I don't think the target needs a crystal.

Does anything here help...

thats what i tried to 'redo' a few times now.. i know how to use the cables, but somehow that fails on a ZIF socket with a second 168/328... and yes, i want to have a programmer, but not one with this 6pin cable but with a socket to insert and program a chip (preferable the 168/328 ;0))

Miso, mosi,sck go from one to the other but the target's reset is driven by a different pin - digital 10.

I've used the code quite successfully by the way.

Allright.. i have wired it up and it seems to be, basically, working.
Yet i cannot program. As it didnt work (as normally) with the 'burn bootloader' function i wanted to trace the problem by using avrdude directly with the following 'result':

C:\Users\Nachtwind>avrdude -p m168 -P com4 -c avrisp -b 19200 -F

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.13s

avrdude: Device signature = 0x000000
avrdude: Yikes!  Invalid device signature.
avrdude: Expected signature for ATMEGA168 is 1E 94 06

avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude done.  Thank you.


Any ideas? I connected it like the MegaISP comments tell in that fashion:
// 10: slave reset
// 11: MOSI
// 12: MISO
// 13: SCK

using as reference for the slave chip.