Hello, I'm new hear and this is my first post.
Sorry for my bad english.
I want to buy an Arduino Esplora but also want to buy a LCD Display which is compatible to the Esplora.
The problem is, that all resellers in my country i looked for a display have several ones and no one say's in his description if it's compatible to the Esplora.
I searched in the internet, but the only one i found which is compatible is the Adafruit 1.8" TFT LCD Display 1.8 Color TFT LCD display with MicroSD Card Breakout [ST7735R] : ID 358 : $19.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
My problem is, that every where i looked for, it's solld out.
And now i want to know, if other Displays like
2.8 TFT Touch Shield for Arduino [2.8] : ID 376 : $59.00 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
or this
are compatible.
The larger Adafruit display will not plug-in directly.
The iteadstudio display is I2C whereas the header really is made for SPI
Sainsmart makes a similar display but I cannot find their pinout to make sure.
EDIT May 17, 2013: See http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/GTFT, the Arduino Team announces their official display