LCD Display program

Im getting compiling errors on my program to operate me LCD Display can someone help me with this??? The attached file is my program.
the error reads:
overriding 'virtual size_t print::write(unit8_t)' and
conflicting return type specified for 'virtual void liquidcrystal::write (unit8_t)'

LCD_Display.ino (3.12 KB)

In the 'c' and 'c++' language, the single quote is used for a single character, and the double quote for a string.

char myChar = 'a';
char myText[40] = "Hello World";

Serial.println( 'b');
Serial.println( "Hello");

Im getting compiling errors on my program to operate me LCD Display can someone help me with this???

Your program compiled with no errors!

Thanks. It was weird that it did because i tried it in a different computer and it had no errors

Thanks. It was weird that it did because i tried it in a different computer and it had no errors

You should consider reinstalling the Arduino IDE on the computer that gave you the compiling errors.
