Is it possible for the Arduino (or more accurately the ATMega chip) to communicate with a LCD display & a Wifi module at the same time?
I have a project that is currently providing local information via an LCD & I would like to simultaneously provide wifi connectivity to override certain functions via an ESP8266 module but as I'm already using the serial comms I have no idea if this is possible.
There are software serial libraries to get another serial port (if you are not already using soft serial).
You could communicate with the ESP8266 via I2C, as well.
Probably, yes. But if you give links to the WiFi module and LCD module you want to use, we can tell you with more certainty. Most LCD module use 6 or 7 digital pins, or they have an i2c backpack. In either case, they don't use serial lines that an esp-01 module would use, for example.