LCD Display

I was trying this code but it is not working... Can you please tell me where I am wrong...I have attached the code...


_06_LCD1602.ino (2.06 KB)


Explain what you mean by 'not working'. Describe what you expect to happen and also what is actually happening.

Post your code as part of your response, not as an attachment. Most of us want to read your code, not run it.

A photo of your setup and of the LCD screen is frequently helpful.

Yo might want to look at the information about how to do this. It is included in the post labeled "General Guidance and How to use the Forum".


FWIW, that code works for me, although I had to change the pin numbers in the code to suit my dfr0009 shield which uses specific hard-wired pins.

This works for me too. I used your pin numbers with an Arduino Nano. Check your wiring. Is the contrast set correctly? Did you remember to pull down the R/W bit to ground? Did you use D0-D3 instead of D4-D7? Is the polarity of Vss and Vdd correct? Did you hook up a backlight without a resistor and short your power supply?