LCD Help

Ok first of all, i am new to electronics so please bare with me.
Today i brought a 128 x 64 Full Dot Matrix Graphic LCD Module from Surplustronics and i have no idea how to hook it up or the code required to display text or an image :-[. I have a Arduino Duemilanove with a Atmega328.

This is on the datasheet

1 Vss 0 V Ground
2 Vdd 5.0 V Power Supply for Logic Circuit
3 Vo - Operating Voltage for LCD Driving
4 D/I H/L Data Input/ Instruction Code Input
5 R/W H/L Data Read / Data Write
6 E H, H/L Enable Signal
7 DB0 H/L
8 DB1 H/L
9 DB2 H/L
10 DB3 H/L Data Bus Line
11 DB4 H/L
12 DB5 H/L
13 DB6 H/L
14 DB7 H/L
15 CS1 H Chip Selection for IC1(First KS0108)
16 CS2 H Chip Selection for IC2(Second KS0108)
17 RES L Reset
18 Vout - Power Supply for LCD Driving

Thanks :slight_smile:

There is an article in the playground that explains the Arduino GLCD library. Although your module is not one of the ones described, you should be able to use the table showing Arduino pin connections to figure out how to wire it up.

Vout is called Contrast Out in the playground article
Vo is the Contrast In

Take your time with the wiring and be careful to connect the power pins correctly.

Good luck.