So I recently got an LCD to play around with, although i wasnt given any info as to what chip it has, nor how many characters it can hold
all i knw is that it has 16 inline pins.... so i looked up some tutorials, and tried out the 4bit library... and fail... double checked wiring, found some errors in the code as well... and tried again... and fail... so im guessing i still have a wiring problem somewhere, but just in case its something else, can anyone tell me what are the most common problems which arise when wiring/coding an lcd... cause its probably an obvious issue that im just missing...
PS: absolultely nothing is happening on the LCD... if that helps, not even a flicker...
I have LCD panels from a half dozen different manufacturers and I have never seen the pon layout on the LadyAda site. The links in the LCD page in the playground have the more common pinout: Arduino Playground - LCD
You can damage the LCD if you connect the power incorrectly and it wont work correctly if the data and contrast are not correct so try to find the datasheet for your panel.
May not need a backlight to use the LCD but its visibility depends on the technology used in your panel.