lcd keypad shield menu


-Rtc, dht22, ultrasonic, rgb, ph and ec probes are all the sensors that I will use

-I want to display all the sensor readings in my LCD with keypad shield.

-the default display should be the time and date

-I press the right button, the LCD will display the temperature and humidity

-Another press from the right button, RGB reading will show.

-Another press and the pH and EC reading will show.

Can someone help me how to make a program that will satisfy the above condition? By the way, I am using arduino mega.

Thanks in advance :smiley:

Can someone help me how to make a program that will satisfy the above condition?

For a fee, yes.

What we do for free is help you write the program. You post some code, describe what it does, and how that differs from what you want, and we'll help you fix it.

What you want sounds really easy to develop.