I am in need of an LCD menu and I would like a suggestion for a starting point.
I am currently working on a project where an lcd with 5 button lcd keypad is used to control an led matrix.
I need to create a menu to do this for me where it has pre-loaded display options and i can choose which one to output.
I am not asking for a hand out on this,all i would like is a starting point, maybe an existing lcd menu that i could adapt to my use.
Take a look at the readme file of one Arduino LCD Menu posted by David Andrews at github. It looks pretty much what you are looking for. Regards.
cant get it to work with my lcd shield the sainsmart 1602
ok so i got my display to work with the above linked menu by adapting the pin values in the code to match my lcd now i cant get the butons to work i am not sure as how to make that happen i have looked through the code and do not quite understand were to adjust if to fit my shield
i understand that is where i had to change values to get the display to work
//Edit your particular harware setup here - See LiquidCrystal documentation for details
const int LCDD7 = 7;
const int LCDD6 = 6;
const int LCDD5 = 5;
const int LCDD4 = 4;
const int LCDE = 9;
const int LCDRS = 8;
but what should i look for to change it where it recognizes my button inputs from the shield as well
It's easy to have a bad time with LCD shield as the pinouts vary a bit but, if you have that sorted, I think it is just a matter of the buttons.
I believe the buttons are always on pin A0, and it probably isn't a good idea to use A0 for anything else. You should see in your loop something like
adc_key_in = analogRead(0); // read the value on A0
key = get_key(adc_key_in); // convert into key press
and then a subroutine, possibly called get_key, which assigns a number to the value obtained, and I believe that is where your menu stuff goes.
how do i set the values of the buttons so it recognizes which one is being pushed.
from what i see its pulling it from one of the libraries defined at the top when i go to inspect those libraries to see where the menu is getting its input i am having no luck at finding where to edit the code to fit my device
anybody know of any one who has used this Arduino_LCD_Menu-Master before?