Hello ... I have this screen https: //store.arduino.cc/arduino-lcd-screen ... I tried to program it but it remains white and I do not know what wrong i am doing ... can someone help ???
Without you writing WHAT you tried until now, we cannot help.
// Per.
Your TFT screen is designed to plug into the Esplora.
If you want to use anything else, you will have to wire it by hand.
Please show a photo or schematic of how you have actually done your wiring.
I don't have your particular TFT module. The <TFT.h> library comes with your Arduino.
<TFT.h> provides some un-intuitive methods of its own and actually relies on its own copy of "Adafruit_ST7735.h" library.
I tried the <TFT.h> examples with a regular 128x160 ST7735S display. The examples "work" but the initialisation is wrong for my panel. (TFTscreen.initR(INITR_BLACKTAB);
Note that your screen should work with the SD Card but you can't have any other devices on the SPI bus.
first thank you for the answer ... I just want to use it to experiment with graphics ... the first day I used it worked perfectly, but the next day when I connected and uploaded the program did nothing. ... I do not believe the circuit goes away because I checked it and did not find anything ...
first thank you for the answer ... I just want to use it to experiment with graphics ... the first day I used it worked perfectly, but the next day when I connected and uploaded the program did nothing. ... I do not believe the circuit goes away because I checked it and did not find anything ...
So there is only three options here:
1: You changed the software, but forgot what.
2: You changed the hardware, but forgot what.
3: the display is dead, ESD-damage or you connected it wrong/gave it wrong voltages and that destroyed it etc.
// Per.
Please show a photo or schematic of how you have actually done your wiring.
Life is much simpler if you devote 10 minutes of your valuable time:
We don't have to speculate.
You get an accurate answer.
Yes, it does take you 10 minutes. But you get your problem solved immediately.
Alternatively, spend several days of frustration. (and fill up the Internet with inadequate information)
the images:
It is very difficult to follow your wires. You seem to have 4 black, two orange, red, white.
The best way to show on a photo is with the wires stretched out. Then it is fairly easy to see which one goes where. Even if you do have several wires with the same colour.
In an ideal world, you use different colours e.g. red for 5V, black for 0V, other colours for signals.
Have you tested the continuity of each jumper wire?
The Dupont ones are pretty good. The round males are very unreliable.
Incidentally, GND and all of your signals are on one side of the Uno. You need 8 short
jumper wires and one long wire to reach 5V.
David, thank you very much, as you said I was wrong with the ground ... I put it on the other pins and it works just fine ... thank you again...Happy new year!!!
Please take a photo with the wiring stretched between breadboard and Uno.
You need a clear view of Display header pins and Uno header pins with the wires pulled taut.
You can just "say" that the "other wire" goes to 5V.
It would be a good example for other readers to see how to provide a useful photo.
There is no difference between GND on the power header or GND on the digital header.
The Uno clones are pretty well built.
I would test the continuity of the Chinese jumper wire.
I would install the Adafruit_ST7735 library with the Library Manager.
Use this instead of the "built-in" <TFT.h>
Remember to use the full-fat constructor e.g.
Adafruit_ST7735(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);
There are more examples and the Adafruit GFX methods are common with most third party TFT libraries.