LCD problems in Starter Kit


I am new in electronics and I bought Arduino starter kit with UNO board. I was trying to connect the LCD display but there was a problem. I did the exact connection that there is in the libraries LiquidCrystal, the backlight opened but no text in the display. Can anyone tell me what is happening? I am trying to understand but I have no idea.

Thank you.

... the backlight opened but no text in the display.

Was the display blank?

Was there a row of 'boxes'?

Were there two rows of 'boxes'?


There were nothing! Only the backlight. No boxes! Just a blue screen..

Have you adjusted the contrast control?

I was just typing the same.. :slight_smile:

Did you connected trim potentiometer to the LCD pin 3 and if you did, did you tried to adjust LCD brightness with it?

Thank you all for your answers! I found out what was the problem. The potentiometer hasn't installed properly.. :confused: When I installed it correctly and then adjust brightness with the trim of the potentiometer, everything work properly!!
