LCD red on black availability

Hey everyone, first post = Hi :slight_smile:

I want to build a lcd readout for water cooled pc using temps, flow rate, water level, water temps..etc..

like this: (4x20 ? or 2x 16x2 ?)
4x20 red on black lcd
water temp = x° c
water flow = x L/m
water level = x %

16x2 red on black lcd
temperature 1 = x1° c
temperature 2 = x2° c

LCD's must be red on black

I saw the brick kit and like the idea of having to use one Arduino main board with additional ports on the Chassis with say 2 LCD's sharing the same Main board MCU.

Am I planning this right ?

What about the most compact Arduino design possible ?

What do I need to get ?


Here's a 16x2 Red on Black LCD:

It will work with the Arduino LiquidCrystal library.

and a 20x2

Ahh fantastic links, I'm going there now for a read.

thanks a lot : )
