So I have made a temperature sensor with an LCD-screen which has been active for a few weeks. However, suddenly a line of pixels on the display has just suddenly stopped working (photo provided below). Does anybody know what might have caused this? Is it possible to fix it?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Sometimes it's down to a poor connection between the actual LCD and its driver chip.
Yes I have turned it on and off with the error persisting. However, it seems that the pixels are turned on again with no explanation whatsoever. Although the issue have been technically “resolved” now, if anybody knows why this happened in the first place then please let me know!
A crapy display
If things like this happen, always try a different part, however, make sure there isn’t a wiring problem as you may inadvertently be destroying things.
As LarryD said, crappy display, but there is probably a bad connection somewhere. Something or somethings have not been soldered well, and in time they will oxidize and stop conducting. Movement may make it work for a while. If you find the bad spot you may be able to fix it. With luck.
Thwock it with your fingernail when it goes out. It's a missing column line connection. LCDs are often mounted with elasomer connections and a sharp vibration can reseat it. Could also be anywhere in the signal chain to that column select line.
Thank you all for your informative responses!
Nothing at all to do with soldering.
Now we are talking!
Jiggling the metal display housing may fix it, otherwise it is necessary to straighten the six tabs that retain it, disassemble the LCD and re-seat the "Zebra strips" while carefully reassembling it.
Of course you risk totally wrecking it in the process.
How is the LCD connected? I had this issue when I was using really dodgy jumper cables, could be the same issue??
Well no, you did not have this issue, you had a quite different one.
This is a problem with individual connections between the COB on the back of the board, and the LCD panel itself.
How would you know what problems I've had??? If you are talking about th Hd44780 issue, that's altogether a different issue. The issue I mentioned in my first post was where the middle line on the second digit of my LCD was stuck "ON" and it was fixed by wiggling my jumper cables. So I replaced my jumper cables. Maybe that wasn't the issue, but it sure fixed it.
Ok. I just thought I'd mention it in case it was helpful.
Can you cite the link to that post?
No, as I never posted it, I figured it out myself, sorry.
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