The link you posted to the display appers to be a spam site. Can you edit the first post and put it right.
The wiper of the pot needs to be to pin 3 of the LCD, the Vo connection, it is not clear from your photos whatis connected to what, but an open Vo would cause the flickering you are seeing.
If the data sheet on the link you provided is correct, then the wiring you have looks incorrect.
That display uses a different pinout from most hd44780 modules.
It shows:
Your wiring does not appear to be using the lcd pins this way.
Don't forget that the pin locations on your PC board do not match those of most other LCD modules although the pin numbers do match.
This being the biggest problem. From the existing photos, it appears that the wiring was not
done with the correct pinout.
Data sheet shows Pin 14 being the closest to the mounting hole and pin 15 being on the other end.
It looks like it was wired up assuming that pin 16 was closest to the mounting hole and pin 1 on the other end.