A friend of mine wanted to make a device which has a LCD display (colored and touch screen). It needs to be able to use its pins for things like Bluetooth and should be easy for beginners to program. Any ideas's?

are there any lcds with arduino built in?

what abour the 4duino?

A friend of mine wanted to make a device which has a LCD display (colored and touch screen). It needs to be able to use its pins for things like Bluetooth and should be easy for beginners to program. Any ideas's?

That 4Duino looks very neat, but you need its Starter Kit which means you are in to the £$100+ range.
Also its not going to be an easy learning curve.

Any project with a tft screen is not whats normally suggested as a beginners project.

Many tft screens use a Mega2560 with a shield that use many i/o pins, but this one can be used on the Uno and just uses the SPI lines so you still have plenty of pins free, plus it comes with ready made software examples.

tft sounds great but, is it touch screen because i'm not sure i want to build a mouse and ? Because that's what he wanted. Also about how big is it? And where can I get one?

The perfect screen sorry, i didnt see the link

What we are all asking is,

What is the application?
What are its inputs and outputs?
Are they digital, analog, I2C, RS232, RS485, 4-20mA, relay, SSR, wifi?
What environment will it be operating in, EMR, Vibration, moisture, heat.

Tom.... :slight_smile:

It controls all the Bluetooth and ir device i make in future.

If you dont want to help no need to criticise

Many tft screens use a Mega2560 with a shield that use many i/o pins, but this one can be used on the Uno and just uses the SPI lines so you still have plenty of pins free, plus it comes with ready made software examples.

Just to make sure, these shields can be used on the mega and zero, right?
Also where do you get the software examples? I cant find them.

Just to make sure, these shields can be used on the mega and zero, right?
Also where do you get the software examples? I cant find them.

The link to Adafruit in the entry you quoted me from has all the info.

Its Adafruits product and they have all the hardware details and software libraries on that link.

As its spi expect it would work with almost any Ardunio, they do say it works with almost any micro, but you will have to look at their site for exact details.

This is an irreverent question. when i type 1 the led on pin 13 is supposed to turn on when i type 0 it turns off why wont it work?

int state;
int rawstate;

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (state=0){
if (state=1){



if (rawstate='0'){
if (rawstate='1'){

You had already 56 posts, even 2 karmas (for what)?
-> Did you ever read and understand and follow the forum rules "How to use this forum"?

If you had done this, it should have been clear that code has to be set in code tags (</>).

Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.,148850.0.html then look down to item #7 about how to post your code.
It will be formatted in a scrolling window that makes it easier to read.

You need to look at your if statement = or ==

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile:

I thought there was something wrong with the = sign because I dd JavaScript yesterday which required===so i was confused

dont be confused.

= means assigment (you are giving your variable a value)
== means you are checking for equality (conditional checking usually)

Okay first, the program works thank you! :slight_smile:
Second I looked at the how to use this forum.
Finally I have a question

Many tft screens use a Mega2560 with a shield that use many i/o pins, but this one can be used on the Uno and just uses the SPI lines so you still have plenty of pins free,

You said i could use my pins but on the picture of the product it looks like i cant unless i get a mega.
How would you use those pins?

Okay first, the program works thank you! :slight_smile:
Second I looked at the how to use this forum.
Finally I have a question
You said i could use my pins but on the picture of the product it looks like i cant unless i get a mega.
How would you use those pins?

I have not used the AdaFruit screens, but with any large screen shield it makes it difficult for connecting to the unused i/o pins, unless you solder to the underside.

On the front page of that link it gives you all the basic info you need, including details of their "breakout" version of tft screen which allows you to have full access to all the other pins.