LCD117 Serial LCD Kit + Arduino will not work


I bought a LCD117 Serial LCD Kit from modern device to connect my 16x2 HD44780 compatible LCD screen to my Arduino Duemilanove.
When I connect the 3 pins to my Arduino the back-light lights up.
After uploading a simple sketch, all the character boxes go flicking ( on/off ) very fast but no characters will appear.
I tried different baut rates 4800 - 19200 - 9600, the only difference is the flicking rate ( no text :frowning: ).

What can i do to fix this problem?

void setup()
void loop()
  Serial.print("Hello World");

Pdf of my LCD display: - This website is for sale! - Elektronika Resources and Information.

Thanks in advance,
Paul du Long

Hi Paul:

I replied to this with some troubleshooting suggestions few minutes ago over on the Modern Device forum. Here's the link for anyone else that is interested.
