I am using the LiquidCrystal_I2C library and have scanned my device to make sure the address is 0x27. I have connected it to the SDA and SCL onto the corresponding pins on the MEGA and I cannot get it to display anything, even when using the library examples. If i turn the potentiometer sufficiently high, all I see is the first and 3rd line with white squares. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am not sure what I am doing wrong!
There is no such thing as 'the' LiquidCrystal_I2C library. There are several of them, many with the same name.
. . . even when using the library examples.
Have you tried the library that is recommended in the majority of the forum posts dealing with this sort of problem? You have looked them over I assume.
. . . all I see is the first and 3rd line with white squares.
For starters leave the potentiometer set to a position that shows those squares.
Before you install the above linked library, pls DELETE ALL PREVIOUS lcd libraries from your PC as the Arduino compiler might stumble and choose the wrong one again, when you have installed multiple libraries with the same name.