LCDs do not display values in any cases

Good morning!

This sketch ( Messwerte Messschieber auf 16x2LCD richtig darstellen - #21 by system - Deutsch - Arduino Forum ) works properly with 3 connected calipers. I want to use it on both the milling machine and on the lathe. However, on the lathe, I have only 2 calipers (X and Y axis) that can be connected.
But if the Z-axis caliper is not connected, no values ??appear in the displays for the X and Y axis. What has to be changed in the code?



What code?


The code i posted is shown in the linked thread ( please scroll up a little bit ). It is long and therefore i think it´s better not to post it twice.



It's not that long, and I don't really mind if it is posted twice as long as it is posted correctly


if the sketch is posted incorrectly, please give an example to do it better.



Like this:

void setup ()

void loop ()

Just like it is described in the guidelines posted at the top of nearly every section of the forum

Ok, now i have posted the code correctly.
By the way, in the german issue of the arduino programm there is a menu item called: Für Forum kopieren ( copy to use in the forum ). I just used this menu item. Why is a menu item called like this when its wrong to use it?

Just rip out all the code that refers to the Z axis, or wrap it in "#ifdef".
I don't really see why reading the Y axis is dependent upon having read the X axis, and why reading the Z axis is dependent upon having read the Y axis.
I also don't really see why there are three virtually identical axis decode functions.

I have no idea why "copy for forum" still exists.
I really wish it didn't