Looking at an Adafruit_GFX example to figure out how to display characters on a display with print("Something"); I ran across this class specification with an unfamiliar form.
class Adafruit_GFX : public Print
Adafruit_GFX(int16_t w, int16_t h); // Constructor
What does the ": public print" after that class name do?
I looked up C++ class specifier and it does not show anything between the class name and opening {.
class class_name {
} object_names;
most display libraries inherit all print/println() functions from the print class.
The library inheriting from print just needs to implement the write() of one character. All variants print/println are reused from print.h
My display is from SKPang and it has a Teensy 4.0 on an integrated board. I managed to get a DisplayClass built that can do graphics on it, but the Print is a real challenge to me.