Hi, I'm new to this whole arduino world (like very new) and I have this uni project that basically uses an Adafruit Neopixels RGB LED strip (NeoPixels Products Category on Adafruit Industries) to show the loudness of sounds.
Using an amplified microphone (http://www.coolcomponents.co.uk/breakout-board-for-electret-microphone.html) to pick up any sound, let the Arduino Uno give that a value and tell the LED's to light up a certain colour if it is between a certain range.
Problem is I have no idea how to do this, and any and all tutorials i've found seem to go through one ear and out the other as they go pretty technical.
any help would be most welcomed, (please bear in mind i'm a newbie, so be kind )
Hey, I have successfully connected the microphone and neopixel strip. I need to tell the strip to light up green when the microphone senses quiet sound, Yellow for louder, orange for louder, & red for louder to loudest.
Hey, I have successfully connected the microphone and neopixel strip. I need to tell the strip to light up green when the microphone senses quiet sound, Yellow for louder, orange for louder, & red for louder to loudest.
Like I said before:
Break the problem down into steps.
Have you successfully connected your microphone and gotten values for loudness? If not, where are you stuck?
Have you successfully connected the Neopixel strip and set it to various colors? If not, where are you stuck?
You answered the very first parts (Have you successfully connected your microphone? Have you successfully connected the Neopixel strip?) but you did not answer the other two parts:
Have you gotten values for loudness from your microphone? What range of values are you getting?
Have you been able to set your NeoPixel strip to green, yellow, orange, and red?