Led controller sight light archery

Hey everyone! I’m new to all this but I have a project I have been wanting to do and looking for some help. I am trying to build an archery sight light. I’m looking to have one single led diode and make it have brightness settings as well as maybe a timer to turn off after a period of time. Can anyone point my in the right direction as to what I may need or anyone who has done something similar. I would like to keep everything as small as possible. Thanks for the help.

How would you like this device to operate? One button to turn on and step through brightness settings? A button to turn on and a knob for brightness settings? Did you want the on-time to be adjustable?

Button to turn and go through brightness settings and another for the timer if possible.

OK. I assume you want it light and battery-operated.

You will probably want to under-drive the LED to save battery power. You would use a higher-than-normal current limiting resistor to make the maximum brightness about 5 mA or less. Then a PWM output could adjust the power from there to near zero.

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Welcome to the forums. Since you are new, I'd suggest you start with the basics and work your way up to a battery powered, multi-button, led device.

Start with your board connected to you PC for power
Look at these examples in the IDE

  1. File->examples->01.basic->Fade (This will use PWM to vary the LED brightness)
  2. File->examples->02.digital->Button
  3. File->examples->02.digital->Debounce

Those last two will demonstrate detecting a button press.

Once you are comfortable with those, you can start putting them all together and then worry about making it battery powered.

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