LED controller with online support

Hi, I have a standard LED matrix ilikeitled, I'm wondering if there is a simple way of controlling the LED content "online" for example I see a ZH-E8L controller for them, but as far as I can tell it's not possible to update the content online. Is there a controller with online support? So I could basically update the content remotely/ send some kind of a file to display?

TLDR: I want a LED matrix controller that can receive data remotely (the data can be in any format) and display the data.

I know nothing of the devices that you refer to but I see that there is an Android app for the display controller which implies that it interfaces with the controller remotely so it may be possible to use an Arduino to do the same. If that is the case then the Arduino could itself be controlled via a Web browser

Have you found any details of the interface between the Android app and the controller ?

You have linked a manufacturer(/ seller), but not a product, so no-one can really help you but that manufacturer.

I am remotely controlling a "times square display" using MAX7219 matrix modules, but with the present limit of pre-defined messages, remotely selected.

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