So hopefully someone can help me because I'm not sure why this is happening. I have a double digit seven segment LED display as part of my project. It's meant to start at 95 and countdown to 0 as a momentary switch is being held. For whatever reason though, the top segment of the first digit is always on even when the numbers change. As a result, it makes 4s look like 9s and 1s look like 7s. Here's a brief video to demonstrate:
The section of code for that white LED is still under development so please pay it no mind. Any ideas on that display though? I know the code for that is fine. If it helps, I'm using a Teensy++ 2.0 as my controller. My code includes the SevSeg library to control the display. Could it be because it's being powered by a 5 volt pin?
Check your wiring and pinout.
Make sure you're using code that suits your display, some are common anode, some are common cathode, some are ordered DP-A....G, some are DP-G....A.
Can't tell you much without knowing what it is you're working with. Parts numbers would help.
If you think everything is just perfect, then just go ahead and buy a new display because logically it's a broken display.
Leave the wiring as is and swap the two displays over.
Does the problem follow the display? If so replace the duff display. If not check the wiring again and look at what is different between the two.
If no luck then post close up photos from different angles of your breadboard and post the sketch so we can see which pins you are using and whether some pins functions are being duplicated or are being re-used by other bits of code.
For the photos pull out or disconnect that annoying white LED
So the code is fine and the hardware is fine and yet something actually isn't. One of your claims is false.
You tried a new digit and that same segment stays lit. And you tell us the code is off limits. Well that one pin controls both of the same segments on both digits, so it's a problem with your code that you're keeping a secret.
So the code is fine and the hardware is fine and yet something actually isn't. One of your claims is false.
You tried a new digit and that same segment stays lit. And you tell us the code is off limits. Well that one pin controls both of the same segments on both digits, so it's a problem with your code that you're keeping a secret.
No secrets here! I just felt confident in the code but I'm only human and make mistakes. I'm actually trying to rework something in there as we speak. Also, I never used the words "the code is off limits."
Long story short, I didn't upload the code because my laptop no longer has wireless internet capabilities. I'm currently on vacation and I can't set up an Ethernet connection. Believe it or not, that's the truth.