led don't blink

hi all!

i don't know if i'm writing in the correct section, today, i have uploaded blinky sketch from example to my arduino, but the led don't blink. i don't what is happening with my arduino.
is there some way to resolve this problem?


Are you using the onboard led? Do you have it connected correctly to digital pin 13 if you're using an external led? Does the code compile correctly?

Also, what code are you using? Is it the stock Blink sketch that comes with the IDE?

What Arduino do you have?

Are you using the onboard led? Do you have it connected correctly to digital pin 13 if you're using an external led? Does the code compile correctly?

yes, i was using onboard led, and compile e uploading correctly.

Also, what code are you using? Is it the stock Blink sketch that comes with the IDE?

What Arduino do you have?

yes, is the sketch that comes with ide. i have arduino duemilanove.

today is working again without change anything, maybe my arduino has own will, and is lazy. ::slight_smile: