LED Fade but with servo

Hello all
I need Help with my project I want to make a LED Fade but with servo but I don't know how can anyone help me with it ?

the project requirement

Potentiometer which controls the following
-LED neopixel strip capable of turning green, red, and blue at 3 different thresholds of
the potentiometer.
-Single LED whose brightness correlates to potentiometer position. This LED should
also only be turned on via a transistor circuit and for the middle 50% of the
potentiometers range.
-Voltage divider using photoresistor. When above a light threshold determined by the
user, disable the transistor controlling the LED. when below said light level, enable the
-Servo whose position corresponds to potentiometer position
-Serial monitor output on a single line per readout of current servos position in degrees,
% brightness of LED, and current color of LED neopixel strip
-Consistent wire coloration (e.g. only red wires for voltage, black for ground, etc)

Do you have any of the things ("hardware") that you mention? Like a potentiometer, an LED strip &c.?

Have you written any programs and run them on your Arduino?

For what is this project, I mean like is this a school assignment, or something your boss dreamed up and tossed you into the deep end with?

All the things you want to do are relatively easy, one at a time almost trivially easy. But not until you've learnt some very basics.

Is the good reason to expect that you are at a point where you could think your way through this as may have been intended?

Getting up to this speed will require almost no hardware, just time… there are many examples on offer in the IDE, start with the easiest and skip ahead to your current level of comfort and knowledge.

Oh yeah, welcome to the community!


yes i have all the hardware and I'm using Arduino

and yes Its my son school project I tried it without servo but I don't know how to make them all connected

OK I'm out the door, but any of us here will want to see the efforts that have succeeded (or failed) so far.

Please post any sketches that you ran that do any of the separate parts of the total project.

Mom @shb59na: do you think your son has been carefully brought to a point where this project is a reasonable assignment?

Mostly just curious. :expressionless:

And for you son: Do you think you have acquired the basic and maybe a few not-so-basic knowledge of programming and mechatronics that you should have for this?

Again, curious. School was some time ago, never mind precisely how long…


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