LED Flickering on camera

Hello People,

I'm a complete Newbie that i even don't know if this is the right section to post this in, sorry if its not :).
Anyway Em working on a small music video where i want to install some LED Lights in the background and i have a 220v LED Strip, the problem is that on camera the LED Strip starts flickering and i was wondering if there is a way to control the frequency (if that is the term) of the LED Strip using an arduino depending on the frame rate of the camera as we will be needing to take some slow motion shots, things to keep notice of are that i live in a very small country called Jordan in the middle east and we don't really have too many options available in terms of LED Drivers and also i would like to actually try and fix it using an arduino in combination with other products. I appreciate all the help i can get, thanks a million in advance.

Eissa :smiley:

Cheap 110V and 220V LED strips don't bother filtering the AC much before the feed it to the LEDs. The 50/60Hz AC causes the flicker. What you want is a constant-current DC driver for your LEDs. Then they will give steady light that will not show up as flicker on video. Perhaps you can find a friend with some electronics skill to re-wire the strips for you. It may be as simple as a filter capacitor across the LEDs.

You'd have to re-build the LED power supply, or use a different power supply. They are probably flickering at the power line frequency which is probably 50Hz.

Does the LED strip plug into a separate 220V power supply? If so, is there an output rating on the power supply? Some LED strips have resistors built-in so you just supply 12VDC, and any 12V power supply with a high-enough current rating will work.

LEDs can run off DC which won't flicker at all, or at a higher frequency that the camera won't "see". You wouldn't need an Arduino unless the LEDs are dimmed or sequenced, etc.

Thanks guys for the replies it comes with a small cable to plug into the wall with what looks like a rectifier, and i will definitely try what you have suggested regarding the re-wiring, all your suggestions are very helpful i will keep you posted on how things will work out. :smiley:
thanks :slight_smile: