100+ LEDs is more IO than any arduino can handle directly.
What might be more straight forward is to use an Uno and have it control two MAX7219 or MAX7221, www.maxim-ic.com, matrix driver chips.
Each can handle 64 LEDs. Your control is to write data into registers. Each register represents 8 LEDs.
Otherwise, a string of shift registers that control 8 LEDs each (one LED per output) such as this, which controls 96 LEDs, could be another way to go.
Same idea - you write bytes of data to a shift register, with an LED per output pin. This board uses TPIC6B595, for high voltage/high current (>5V and 20mA) operation, intended for 12V LED strings. If you only need single LEDs from 5V, than 74HC595 will work just fine.
Other chips are also possible, such as TLC5940 from ti.com, 16 PWM'able outputs,
or WS2803, world semi, with 18 PWM'able outputs. Only source I've seen for wWS2803 is e-bay, guy in Niagara Falls selling them.
Well, that uses a couple of extra chips.
If you could cut back to 8x8 you could do that with just a single MAX7219, a resistor, and 2 caps.
The MAX7219 is available for $1.25 from www.taydaelectronics.com, Thailand
Or use two for 128 LEDs, 8 x 16 or however you'd like to arrange them.
4 x 64 = 256. Yes, that math seems to be correct.
I am working up a similar project for a scrolling text display; four MAX7219, four 8x8 matrix, bare minimum arduino design to control it. Parts ordered, waiting on delivery.
A decent sized battery (to power all this with)
ShiftRegisters (eg, 500 led's would be 500/8 = 62 shift registers)
What Power source to do all this? (eg, if each LED was 20ma, are all your LED's going to be on at once?... or off... eg, 500 leds * 20ma @ 5v?)
Transistors to switch all this current on (as Arduino can ony supply 40ma per pin, and 120ma? for all... So, include Resistors)...
Anyway this is quite a big build..
Esp when you have to take into consideration all the resistance from the AG Line thread / conductive thread you're buying, due to the resistance you
could cut down on costs as the resistor could be part of how long your thread is...