Hello ladyes and gentlemans. I need your help and i thank in advance for it and for your time and will.
Since im a newbie i do not know much about microcontrollers so i need an advice what to buy.
What I need to do is to use arduino, connect microwave sensor to it, pwm modulator to it and i need to connect LED diode to pwm modulator. Also i need to connect arduino to mobile network ehm, what i mean i have to connect arduino to internet VIA repetitor for mobile phones.
So i do not know what components should i use. I need two LED diodes, two arduino microcontrollers, two sim cards, two PWM modulators, two microvawe sensors, and two (sorry if im mistaken) GSM controllers that go on arduino.
So here the plan. I will connect arduino to internet, connect sensor to arduino, connect LED to PWM then to arduino and connect sensor to arduino to. The idea is that when there is no movement then the lights (LED) are dimmed to 30% of its power. When there is movement the lights go from 30% to 100& of its power.
Im working on a science project and its called Smart Light system for urban and rural traffic. So im building a mini model.
I just do not know which components should i use for the mini house model of it. Which arduino to buy, which pwm to buy, etc. And how to put it all in one place to work. I think by reading this forum i will get knowledge to connect it but i need perfect components that will work. So if anyone has any idea it would be great. I would really appreciate it. Thank you and be happy