i've got problems; i tried the code that i modified to suit/work, but that didn't work. so then i figured, oh hey it might be my wiring, i should try the LED driver example. So i wired that up, and gave it a go. Staring back at me was a slew of error messages from the code here:
these were the messages:
C:\DOCUME~1\Family\LOCALS~1\Temp\build31919.tmp\core.a(HardwareSerial.cpp.o): In function `__vector_18':
C:\Documents and Settings\Family\My Documents\Arduino\arduino-0015-win\arduino-0015\hardware\cores\arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp:95: multiple definition of `__vector_18'
C:\DOCUME~1\Family\LOCALS~1\Temp\build31919.tmp\core.a(wiring_serial.c.o):C:\Documents and Settings\Family\My Documents\Arduino\arduino-0015-win\arduino-0015\hardware\cores\arduino/wiring_serial.c:112: first defined here
c:/documents and settings/family/my documents/arduino/arduino-0015-win/arduino-0015/hardware/tools/avr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.2/../../../../avr/bin/ld.exe: Warning: size of symbol `rx_buffer' changed from 128 in C:\DOCUME~1\Family\LOCALS~1\Temp\build31919.tmp\core.a(wiring_serial.c.o) to 132 in C:\DOCUME~1\Family\LOCALS~1\Temp\build31919.tmp\core.a(HardwareSerial.cpp.o)
Couldn't determine program size: C:\Documents and Settings\Family\My Documents\Arduino\arduino-0015-win\arduino-0015\hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-size: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Family\LOCALS~1\Temp\build31919.tmp\LedDriver.hex': No such file
er... yeah.
so then i realized those serialWrite things weren't really doing anything (i think) and then got rid of those. it compiled, but then when i ran it it wouldn't light the LEDs. So i checked my wiring. four times. right now the code that i got from the LEDDriver example now looks like this;
/* Shift Out Data
* --------------
* Shows a byte, stored in "dato" on a set of 8 LEDs
* (copyleft) 2005 K3, Malmo University
* @author: David Cuartielles, Marcus Hannerstig
* @hardware: David Cuartielles, Marcos Yarza
* @project: made for SMEE - Experiential Vehicles
int data = 9;
int strob = 8;
int clock = 10;
int oe = 11;
int count = 0;
int dato = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(data, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clock, OUTPUT);
pinMode(strob, OUTPUT);
pinMode(oe, OUTPUT);
void PulseClock(void) {
digitalWrite(clock, LOW);
digitalWrite(clock, HIGH);
digitalWrite(clock, LOW);
void loop()
dato = 5;
for (count = 0; count < 8; count++) {
digitalWrite(data, dato & 01);
if (count == 7){
digitalWrite(oe, LOW);
digitalWrite(strob, HIGH);
digitalWrite(oe, HIGH);
digitalWrite(strob, LOW);
delay(100); // waits for a moment
any ideas what might be wrong? i can't figure it out at all, so i went back and checked the knight rider example and wired that up and that works fine. so i have no idea... hrrm.
(sorry for bumping)