LED/motor output control from data received from a webpage

I am trying to implement a project where an arduino UNO and Ethernet board connected to a specific webpage serving the aim of a destination (for data), receive different data over a time period and according to them turn on and off. I have seen several codes on connecting the Arduino to a webpage but i am not sure if I can control it to provide different data over a certain time nor how to obtain this data so as to set settings to turn LEDs on and off. Hint: when referring to data I mean electricity tariffs that when high- components turn off and when low- on and so on. Please give me some ideas, hints on how to implement it and if easy and possible a code for it. ! It is really important that i figure this out. :o :o

I don't know if that would be easy on an Arduino because web pages usually have a lot of data and an Uno or Mega has very little memory. Scraping the web page is the sort of thing that is relatively easy on a PC which has loads of memory and software specially for finding data within a web page.

Perhaps you could do it on the Linux side of an Arduino Yun and then use the Arduino side to control your equipment.

Another possibility is to use a RaspberryPi to scrape the web page and an Arduino connected to it to control the equipment.

If you have not already done so I suggest you first write a program on your PC to learn how to acquire the data from the web page.


I have created a website and published it using html code and have tested some examples through which arduino board is used as a web server. I just want to connect it to the internet and receive and send data from it and not make arduino run a webpage. I dont know if im thinking this the wrong way but since the web page is my web server arduino doesnt have to be. As you can see I am a little confused and new to Arduino.. So you suggest I switch to another arduino board?

The web page that you are trying to parse is your own?

As you can see I am a little confused and new to Arduino..

Not as confused as we are.

I had assumed you wanted to get data from an electricity utility website.

If it is your own website that is very different. You can arrange for your website to reply to the Arduino in a very simple format.


It is my own website that supposingly is the utilities.. To set it in a different way, I am trying to create a communication network through which the utilities and the clients (home) can communicate. To create that I am using a cloud, thus my website. I want through my website to be able to send information regarding electricity price. For that I want to make my website update some values after some time, and the arduino connected to another computer(accessing the webpage) use these values to control the performance of LEDs that will annotate home appliances. This is the part where I am stuck and the coding involved.
The concept is the client receiving price signals and from settings they predefined ( coding arduino that will say if the data received is a value higher from ten turn off LED for example) their home appliances turn on and off.

I hope I made it clearer. I dont know how to send or receive data from a specific website. That i can say is my main issue. I am sorry if I confused you but this is just a forum and all i asked for is help.

If it's your own website, then just create a specific page that returns the data you want with no formatting. REST API if you have many lookups. Then you don't have to worry as much about parsing, etc.