I'm working on a project using a large array of LED's and motors being controlled by arduino code. Since it's a large scale set up its hard for me to test it with the actual LED's and motors plugged in. I'm wondering if anyone has heard of/worked with some sort of led digital simulator using processing or something else that visualizes with circles (or whatever else) on the computer screen what the blink patterns would be if connected to the arduino.
If not--any tips on developing something like this?
Why would it be harder to test WITH the LEDs and motors attached? Or are you saying that you don't want to invest in motors and LEDs until you have proven the code?
I have two set ups one at a studio and one at home--and I do a lot of coding at home. I could build an LED board to test i suppose, but I was curious if anyone has heard of /worked with something like this
What I would do in that case is separate the control algorithm from the rest of your code. Define a clean interface between the algorithm itself, and the other functions to read inputs and drive outputs and so on.
Then create a 'C' or Processing application that implements the same interface so that you can incorporate your control algorithm in that and have it drive a graphical display instead of interfacing with the real hardware.
For example, turning an LED on might consist of displaying a coloured dot on the screen instead of driving the hardware outputs.
I think what you need is an Arduino simulator, check this one out:-