LED: Script stops


I am totally new to Arduino. I'm writing a code that involves 5 LEDs. The way I want it to work is:
Step 1: Light middle LED only
Step 2: Light first and last only
Step 3: Light first, last, and middle only
Step 4: Light first two and light last two only

With a delay between all of the steps(which I set to 'delay(100);'). When I run the code it stops at Step 2: Light first and last only.

Here's the code. Please ignore the integer names and arbitrary pin assignments.

	const int mino1 = 5	 ;   // LED connected to digital pin 5
	const int mino3 = 7	 ;   // LED connected to digital pin 7
	const int mino5 = 9	 ;   // LED connected to digital pin 9
	const int mino7 = 11 ;   // LED connected to digital pin 11
	const int mino9 = 13 ;   // LED connected to digital pin 13

	void setup()   {                
			pinMode(mino1, OUTPUT); 
			pinMode(mino3, OUTPUT); 
			pinMode(mino5, OUTPUT); 
			pinMode(mino7, OUTPUT); 
			pinMode(mino9, OUTPUT); 
	void loop()                     

			digitalWrite(mino5, HIGH);  
			digitalWrite(mino5, LOW);
			digitalWrite(mino1, HIGH);
			digitalWrite(mino9, HIGH);
			digitalWrite(mino5, HIGH);
			digitalWrite(mino5, LOW);
			digitalWrite(mino7, HIGH);
			digitalWrite(mino3, HIGH);

Thank you in advance.

Can't see anything obviously wrong with the code. How much current is each LED taking?

I feel you, I"m a newbie too or I was till yesterday.
Your problem is that you have to declare on every block which ones are going to be on and off, you are missing a lot.
I did this one when I started too, but I'm using analogWrite instead.

 void loop(){ 
  analogWrite(REDPIN, 255);   // turns the LED on
  analogWrite(GREENPIN, 0);    // turns the LED off
  analogWrite(BLUEPIN, 0);
  delay(5000);              // waits for (x)ms
  analogWrite(REDPIN, 0);   // turns the LED off
  analogWrite(GREENPIN, 255);    // turns the LED on
  analogWrite(BLUEPIN, 0);
  delay(5000);             // waits for (x)ms
  analogWrite(REDPIN, 0);   // turns the LED off
  analogWrite(GREENPIN, 0);    // turns the LED off
  analogWrite(BLUEPIN, 255);

No, the original code is just changing what needs to be changed. Once a pin's state is set its stays that way until it is next changed.

I think the issue is power or decoupling related. What's the circuit?

Actually I'm not using the board yet, I'm using VirtualBreadBoard. I had problems when running it on the simulator.

Figured it out. In the simulator, every time I edit code, I must save all for it to run the new script.