Hi people, I'm making some custom set pieces for a show (I'm a lighting designer) comprised of multiple lengths of LED tape. I'm new to arduino, and could do with some advice/guidance on how to control/dim these 12v LED strips through the arduino, using a DMX signal from my lighting console. I've got hold of an ethernet shield as well, so it would be a bonus if I could use an ethernet based dmx protocol such as Artnet or sAcn/E1.31. Thanks in advance, and any help will be greatly received!
For DMX over Ethernet look here as someone seems to have written code to do Artnet (I have not used it myself). As to the LED's we will need more information about them (easier to post links). Are they single colour or RGB, do they have controller chips to allow addressing of individual LED's or on a whole strip basis. Voltage/current rating and probably a whole bunch more questions I cannot think to ask.
I'm using single colour LED tape (no individual control) http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B007O4I34U/ref=pe_385721_37986871_TE_item
I've got a Mega 2560, and I'll be driving around 10 strips - I'm guessing thats feasible due to the mega having 13 PWM pins.
Any more questions, please ask!
I'm using single colour LED tape (no individual control) http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B007O4I34U/ref=pe_385721_37986871_TE_item
Adafruit have a tutorial on how to connect the RGB version of your strip. The principle is the same for a single colour version, just use one MOSFET per strip.
I've got a Mega 2560, and I'll be driving around 10 strips - I'm guessing thats feasible due to the mega having 13 PWM pins.
Even if you run out of hardware PWM pins there is always SoftPWM library.
Thanks Riva, that's really helpful! Now the only problem is how to integrate the code for the art net with the LED dimming code - this is where I really need the help
Thanks Riva, that's really helpful! Now the only problem is how to integrate the code for the art net with the LED dimming code - this is where I really need the help
We don't use artnet here just serial version but a quick look at the downloadable code here and the ARTNET_receiver_V3_1.ino file looks to do almost all your expecting. You would obviously need to set your IP address, subnet & universe ID and possibly the max number of channels.
Change this and add your PWM pins (not sure about the pin 10/11 warning and if it's relevant to Mega)
//setup pins as PWM output
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); //check with leds + resistance in pwm, this will not work with pins 10 and 11, used by RJ45 shield
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); //check with leds + resistance in pwm, this will not work with pins 10 and 11, used by RJ45 shield
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); //check with leds + resistance in pwm, this will not work with pins 10 and 11, used by RJ45 shield
Change this to determine what DMX channel is tied to what LED strip
//stuff to do on PWM or whatever
Cheers! Thats really helpful. I'll let you know how it all goes. Next step is to try and get an LCD working with this to change art net universe and ip address!