Hello all. I have a problem I just don't understand. I have been working with my son. We started with the blink program. I had been showing him circuits using the 5 volt rail and the ground, no control from the controller at all. Then we set up to have the blink program. When the pin goes high the led goes on but is very dim. Dim to the point that all you see is a small dot of light in the LED. I tried using another LED same problem. I tried using a different arduino but still no joy. I put a VOM across the output pin and ground and got 4.89 volts, close enough. So that tells me that the arduino is not supplying enough current to the output pin. I have no idea why. The 3.3 volts and the 5 volts of the arduino lights up the LED just fine, almost blinds me, but the pins don't. I tried different pins as well but no joy. I also tried all three ground pins as well. I have no idea what's going on. I have done this a lot, who hasn’t, and it always lit up the LED brightly. I would say that the board has a problem but I used two different boards and they both did the same thing. Does anybody have an idea what is happening?
I just tried using an ardweeny that was running the blink program on pin 13 and the LED lit up just fine. I am stumped.
I just rewrote the sketch to use pin 5 instead of pin 13. Had the same problem of a dim LED. I switched it back to pin 13 and it was bright.
Why is that happening?
Declare a pin as OUTPUT, not INPUT.
Yes I just figured that out myself. The pin had no declaration of output or input. OOPS well I guess everybody has memory problems when they get older.
I saw a MRI of my chest. My lungs have big long sections that are calcified, probably damaged when I had acid fumes almost kill me. I suspect my brain looks similar.