Left Encoder gives almost 2x more data than Right Encoder

#include <SharpIR.h>
#include <Encoder.h>

// Define motor pins
#define M1R_DIR 5   // RIGHT motor direction
#define M1R_PWM 4   // RIGHT motor PWM
#define M2L_DIR 6   // LEFT motor direction
#define M2L_PWM 9   // LEFT motor PWM

// Define range sensor pins (IR sensors)
#define IR_FRONT A2 // Front IR sensor
#define IR_RIGHT A3 // Right IR sensor
#define IR_LEFT  A4 // Left IR sensor

// Define encoder pins
#define ENC_M1R_A 18  // RIGHT encoder channel A
#define ENC_M1R_B 19  // RIGHT encoder channel B
#define ENC_M2L_A 3   // LEFT encoder channel A
#define ENC_M2L_B 2   // LEFT encoder channel B

// Define the SharpIR model
#define MODEL 1 

// Setup SharpIR sensors
SharpIR leftSensor(MODEL, IR_LEFT);
SharpIR frontSensor(MODEL, IR_FRONT);
SharpIR rightSensor(MODEL, IR_RIGHT);

// Setup encoders
Encoder encL(ENC_M1R_A, ENC_M1R_B);
Encoder encR(ENC_M2L_A, ENC_M2L_B);

void setup() {

  // Define pin modes for sensors
  pinMode(IR_FRONT, INPUT);
  pinMode(IR_RIGHT, INPUT);
  pinMode(IR_LEFT, INPUT);

  // Define pin modes for motors
  pinMode(M1R_DIR, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(M1R_PWM, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(M2L_DIR, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(M2L_PWM, OUTPUT);

  // Define pin modes for encoders
  pinMode(ENC_M1R_A, INPUT);
  pinMode(ENC_M1R_B, INPUT);
  pinMode(ENC_M2L_A, INPUT);
  pinMode(ENC_M2L_B, INPUT);


void loop() {
  // Uncomment to test sensor values
  sensLval = sensL();
  sensRval = sensR();
  sensFval = sensF();
  Serial.print("Left Value: ");
  Serial.print(" mm");

  Serial.print(", Front Value: ");
  Serial.print(" mm");

  Serial.print(", Right Value: ");
  Serial.print(" mm");

  // Right motor control
  analogWrite(M1R_PWM, 255);
  digitalWrite(M1R_DIR, LOW);
  Serial.print("Encoder Position Right: ");
  // Left motor control
  analogWrite(M2L_PWM, 255);
  digitalWrite(M2L_DIR, LOW);
  Serial.print(", Encoder Position Left: ");

int sensL() {
  return leftSensor.getDistance() * 10;  // Convert to millimeters if needed

int sensR() {
  return rightSensor.getDistance() * 10;  // Convert to millimeters if needed

int sensF() {
  return frontSensor.getDistance() * 10;  // Convert to millimeters if needed


Encoder Position Right: 828, Encoder Position Left: 1334

Encoder Position Right: 1673, Encoder Position Left: 2767

Encoder Position Right: 2535, Encoder Position Left: 4259

Encoder Position Right: 3456, Encoder Position Left: 5927

Encoder Position Right: 4420, Encoder Position Left: 7644

Encoder Position Right: 5472, Encoder Position Left: 9543

Encoder Position Right: 6604, Encoder Position Left: 11403

Encoder Position Right: 7769, Encoder Position Left: 13367

Encoder Position Right: 8928, Encoder Position Left: 15295

Basically my Left encoder gives me almost 2x more data than Right encoder there is no issue in mechanics but there is in code.

I couldn't figure it out where is the issue and how can I solve it.

Any help welcome

Thanks in advance.

Check the wiring and pin assignments. On the "slower" side, one of the two encoder channels is probably not connected properly.

With a new device and code library, the very best way to get started is to run library examples on that device and verify proper operation, before adding it (and code) to the project. Do that one at a time for each of the encoders.

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left motor is rotating with more RPM

Swap encoders, if the problem moves it is with the encoder, if it stays on the same then it is a motor speed problem.

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