No problem! Set my power supply to 12V and hook it up to my car charger. Does anyone else use their power supply for anything like that?
No problem! Set my power supply to 12V and hook it up to my car charger. Does anyone else use their power supply for anything like that?
I have one of those rechargeable "wand" massagers that I bought back in the 1980s. When the nicads finally died, I rewired the charging plug so it feeds the motor directly, and run it off a bench supply. It now works even better, because I can vary the speed
I don't have an adjustable supply yet. Need workshop first.
I have a degree in chemistry. I'm never going to be happy unless I have a few instruments that I can use to recreate lab conditions. A variable power supply is a must!
BTW, the one I got is a "cheap" ~$40 one off ebay. But it works beautifully and having that for random needs is invaluable.
It now works even better, because I can vary the speed
Be careful and don't provide us with too much information.
Ya, I don't really want to know either, LOL. I like your uncertainty reference lefty.
I have one of those rechargeable "wand" massagers
Hey @Tweedius,
I saw your signature says you are from Madison WI... I attended school there... it's a very nice town.
"wand" massager == one of these.