Legit LCD question

Hi all,

I have a 16x2 pushbutton LCD screen, which I have a few questions about. I managed to get the screen to out data from various sensors and I have used it to determine the values that the push buttons output. Say I want to store values, IE, I want to set a temperature using the push buttons, how do I get the arduino to save that value. Wont it lose the value when the loop comes to an end? If anyone has any direction or any sketches I can see for examples on manipulating the screen to do more than just show my real time data it would be greatly appreciated. Insight is also welcomed!


I think you're asking about using variables? http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/Int

They don't disappear once the loop ends, but they do disappear once you turn the arduino off, unless you take extra steps to permanently store it.

Wont it lose the value when the loop comes to an end?

Any user input will be lost, unless saved in EEPROM.

If anyone has any direction or any sketches I can see for examples on manipulating the screen to do more than just show my real time data it would be greatly appreciated.

Well that depends on which screen you have, doesn't it?

I have a 16x2 pushbutton LCD screen

Your screen has 32 pushbuttons?