Leonardo - one button responds slowly in my code

Using an Arduino Leonardo:

I don't believe this is a coding issue which is why I'm posting here. I have 4 buttons on INPUT_PULLUP pinmode. When a button is pressed my code sends a signal ON, when it is released it sends a signal OFF.

The first three buttons respond instantly ON and OFF, the fourth button responds ON instantly, but there is a significant delay in the OFF. It happens consistently, and it appears to specifically be on Pin 5 (I am using 2-5). I have tried swapping buttons/inputs around, but it still repeats on Pin 5 only.

Is there any reasonable explanation for this?

No idea.

How does it send ON or OFF? Over serial or as a keyboard? Or maybe to a LED (HIGH/LOW)? Please provide your code.

The code is currently designed for more than 4 buttons, but I only have 4 connected.

Basically whats happening here is when a button is pressed it sends a few MIDI Note On signals, when it's released, it sends corresponding Midi Note Off signals.

I can't see any reason why Pin 5 specifically would be erratic.

#include "MIDIUSB.h"

//Major Chords
int allChords[18][4] = {    {51, 55, 58, 62}, //Majors/7ths Eb
                            {58, 62, 65, 69}, //Bb
                            {53, 57, 61, 65}, //F
                            {60, 64, 67, 71}, //C
                            {55, 59, 62, 66}, //G
                            {50, 54, 57, 61}, //D
                            {57, 61, 64, 68}, //A
                            {52, 56, 59, 63}, //E
                            {59, 63, 66, 70}, //B
                            {51, 54, 58, 51}, //Minors Eb
                            {58, 61, 65, 58}, //Bb
                            {53, 56, 60, 53}, //F
                            {60, 63, 67, 60}, //C
                            {55, 58, 62, 55}, //G
                            {50, 53, 57, 50}, //D
                            {57, 60, 64, 57}, //A
                            {52, 55, 59, 52}, //E
                            {59, 62, 66, 59}  //B

//Eb Bb F C G D A E B
//Major, Minor, 7th

const int buttonPin[] = {2,3,4,5};
const int ledPin = 13;
int chanVel = 100;
int buttonState[27] = {};

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT); //set LED Pin to output

  for (int i=0; i<27; i++){ 
  pinMode(buttonPin[i], INPUT_PULLUP); //set all pins as input pullups
  buttonState[i] = 0; //set all button states to off

void noteOn(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
  midiEventPacket_t noteOn = {0x09, 0x90 | channel, pitch, velocity};

void noteOff(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
  midiEventPacket_t noteOff = {0x08, 0x80 | channel, pitch, velocity};

void loop() {
  for (int i=0; i<4; i++){ // read every pin and check if its H/L
    if(digitalRead(buttonPin[i]) == LOW && buttonState[i] == 0){
      if (i < 18){
      else {
      buttonState[i] = 1;
    else if (digitalRead(buttonPin[i]) == HIGH && buttonState[i] == 1) {
      if(i < 18) {
      else {
    buttonState[i] = 0;

I suspect the main problem is

if (digitalRead(buttonPin[i]) == LOW & buttonState[i] == 0)

A single & is a bit-wise AND, not a logical AND; corrected version

if (digitalRead(buttonPin[i]) == LOW && buttonState[i] == 0)

Same for comparing to HIGH

Not sure how something like this will work out

      noteOff(0, allChords[i - 18][0], chanVel);

If i is less than 18, you have a negative index into your allChords array.

A Leonardo with 27 pins :wink: I'm not sure what the result of the for-loop in setup is; it might affect pins in a way that you don't expect.

Below a better (my opinion) version which will automatically pick the correct number of buttons at compile time :wink: You can use the same approach in the for-loop in loop() as well

  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(buttonPin) / sizeof(buttonPin[0]); i++) {
    pinMode(buttonPin[i], INPUT_PULLUP); //set all pins as input pullups
    buttonState[i] = 0; //set all button states to off

I suspect the main problem is

if (digitalRead(buttonPin[i]) == LOW & buttonState[i] == 0)

A single & is a bit-wise AND, not a logical AND; corrected version

if (digitalRead(buttonPin[i]) == LOW && buttonState[i] == 0)

Same for comparing to HIGH

Not sure how something like this will work out

      noteOff(0, allChords[i - 18][0], chanVel);

If i is less than 18, you have a negative index into your allChords array.

A Leonardo with 27 pins :wink: I'm not sure what the result of the for-loop in setup is; it might affect pins in a way that you don't expect.

Below a better (my opinion) version which will automatically pick the correct number of buttons at compile time :wink: You can use the same approach in the for-loop in loop() as well

  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(buttonPin) / sizeof(buttonPin[0]); i++) {

pinMode(buttonPin[i], INPUT_PULLUP); //set all pins as input pullups
    buttonState[i] = 0; //set all button states to off

Thanks. The plan actually was for using a multiplexer. In the loop function I didn't actually iterate through all 27 buttons, just 4.

Good call on the &.. I had a feeling it was wrong when I was writing it lol

The i-18 code is only active if i is 18 or greater (thus only really calling allChords[0]). The reason for this was because buttons 18-27 share most of the same data with 1-9, so I combined their data in the array and called allChords 0-3 instead of 0-2.

I will update the code and see if it works, thanks!

The i-18 code is only active if i is 18 or greater (thus only really calling allChords[0]).

Not as i read it :wink:

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // read every pin and check if its H/L
  if (digitalRead(buttonPin[i]) == LOW & buttonState[i] == 0) {
  else if (digitalRead(buttonPin[i]) == HIGH & buttonState[i] == 1) {
    noteOff(0, allChords[i - 18][0], chanVel);
    noteOff(0, allChords[i - 18][1], chanVel);
    noteOff(0, allChords[i - 18][2], chanVel);
    noteOff(0, allChords[i - 18][3], chanVel);
    buttonState[i] = 0;

i ranges from 0..3; fill in the numbers :wink:

i ranges from 0..3; fill in the numbers :wink:

Oooof.. Yes I messed up the else if part. I just updated my code up top to add another 'if else' for the noteOff section to mimic the noteOn. That should clear up the negative issue.

I guess it was my code afterall... The button on pin 5 works as expected now! Must have been the bitwise AND.

Sidenote: What would my bitwise & statement have been trying to evaluate for pin 5? Comparing a digital read LOW (0000?) and a 5? (0101?) which I think would result in just 0000


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thanks, Wasn't planning for this to be a coding question. :slight_smile:

thanks, Wasn't planning for this to be a coding question. :slight_smile:

I know. I initially gave you the benefit of the doubt about Installation and Troubleshooting. After you admitted the coding issue ( :wink: ), I reported it for the move.

Whilst mods rely on other users to spot things we do try to see where things really should go its not just a report and do what the reporter says. Anyways moving right along.