Hello all! I have accidentally upload lfuses on 0xD9 on Atmega328P (using this tutorial and wiring: DEC #14 Change Fuse bits and burn Arduino bootloader to atmega328 microcontroller - YouTube )
Now I cant change it back, because even if I just want to know fuses
(avrdude -c arduino -p m328p -P COM5 -b 19200 -v)
Arvdude gives me clasical message:( :
avrdude: Device signature = 0xffffff
avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature.
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
this check.
I have double checked the connections- not helped. Tryed to change baudrate - not helped. Do you think its because this low fuses? Is there any chance to safe my atmega? Should I use another xtal (now its 16 MHz) or cap (now 2x 22pF)?
Thank You very much, I was trying to study obout Low-Power Crystal Oscilator, but its too difficultfor me and I even dont know, if ist correct direction...
Best regards....