Few days ago i received my GPRS module from libelium.
First off, i tried to test the "basic configuration" from there wiki.
I took out the ATmega out of my Duemilanoveand and connected my Duemilanove with the correct
jumper setting (i guess).
But i am not able to get a PSSTK message. I did try this with hyperterminal and the
Arduino IDE serial monitor. With hyperterminal i get nothing at all. With the
Arduino IDE serial monitor i get "[]". Thats it.
The hyperterminal settings are as the recommend at the very bottom of the wiki articel.
Please see the enclosed the picture for my setting.
Is this a power problem? I just got the module and i don't really want to solder in a
220 uF capacitor. i thought it should be possible to send a least SMS with only
the USB cable.
Best regeards and many thanks in advance for your help!
Which version of the IDE are you using?
Found this :
WARNING: We advise to use Arduino-0016 IDE for compiling the code on the Arduino for standalone using since we've detected problems with the lastest verssion (Arduino-0017)
I got one a week ago, the instructions are horrible on Libelium's tutorial page. I tried to install cutecom, I gave up on that software. I guess the tutorials were done in linux, I'm on a mac. Long story short, my module work sometimes. You should upgrade the module's firmware(the hole on the arduino board for the wire isn't really a hole). I used arduino018 software. I installed the 220 uF capacitor. You have to push the on off button on the gprs shield when doing serial, it's turned on within the code when controlled by arduino. Don't forget to switch both serial jumpers to usb if doing a serial connection(arduino chip removed) and to ARD if using code from the arduino (arduino chip in). Don't forget to change the power jumper from ext or 5v depending on power source. Good Luck :-/
Im working with this module and I had several problems with it. I finally got it to work fine. Here is what I did. First of all you need to follow the tutorial to upgrade the firmware of the Hilo. The module wont execute alot of the AT commands specially if they are coming from the Arduino. Second its power. I got a 12V, 2A PS and that wasn't enough. The way you can test this is by when u try to send a SMS and only power from the USB is powering both(arduino with GSM mod) it will not give enough juice, then when u connect the ext PS as well to the arduino, it will work. The fix is to put that 220uF capacitor; so you will have to solder that 220uF anyway. Make sure you follow everything else on the tutorial which is not the best but better than nothing.
Im actually trying to figure out how to answer a call and identify the caller. Does anybody knows how should I go about this. Any suggestions? Is there some code to wait for a call. How can I check for an incoming call?
Hey Julio123
were you able to get the arduino to send a SMS or work with external power only? Seeing as it's meant to be mobile it would be great if it was powered by an external battery source
I got it to work with the 12V-2A power supply (send SMS and make calls). I tried a 9V battery but obviously was too little. I'm actually looking for some battery option which I much needed for my project. But I'm also powering a GPS Module as well from the arduino so it needs to be powerful enough.
Can you show me the commands that your used to send a SMS message? I have been able to get the shield to work and receive/view the text messages, but I have not been successful at sending them.
I just successfully completed a prototype project with this module.
Since there were quite a few people having headache with this shield, let me summarize my session with it:
the tutorial describes properly how to quickstart with the module and experiment with the AT commands (using an Arduino board as a gateway)
. so I removed the HILO, installed the antenna, put back the HILO. I used an internal one due to phisical constraints, I gues the external one should be more sensitive
. set power jumper to "Arduino 5V" on the module (and to USB on the Arduino in case you have such 'duino)
. set serial com jumpers to USB Gateway on the module
. take out the ATMega, installed the shield onto Arduino
. connect USB to Arduino,
. open a terminal 115200-8-N-1 (I changed it to 38400 for fun but there is no reason to follow me :D)
. push button for 2 secs, wait until you get the SIM menu (~10 secs)
. then you can play around with the AT commads -> try as many as you can and make notes for later reference for your applications. Be careful not to set something to lose communication with the HILO.
. interestingely, I had no power issue during the gateway mode, I could send SMS, make calls etc :-?
I followed the instructions to update the firmware, went OK
Installed the capacitor (a hole would be useful, or a pre-installed capacitor ;D )
AND :o soldered the shield of the HILO module to the PCB of the Libelium shield. This one is not mentioned in the tutorial but I think it is important. Moreover, the HILO guide also recommends this excercise. There are 3 tabs which must be carefully soldered to the board. I sent a huge amount of SMS, data and calls and found the module working perfectly like this.
I used another shield (to deal with sensors, display and motor) and the ICSP connectors (which normally gives the power) were not connected to the Libelium shield at all
The power supply was a fat 5V/3A. Both the Arduino and the Libelium got the power from this psu. The Libelium module had the power jumper set to EXT, and the power connected thourgh the power connector (on the top of the module)
Basically everything worked fine with the above setup (sending SMS, making lost calls, transmitting data). One thing has to be remembered, is that the module needs time to connect to the network (just like any mobile phone) before sending anything or making calls. : It can be up to 1 minute but usually less than 30 secs. There are AT commands to check the network connection - try out in USB gw mode. Delay can also work for proto design but not foolproof for a final one.
The easiest way you can check wheter the HILO module is still alive is sending an AT and check for the OK response. At the beginning I just used the reset button and pin13led to try out as many configurations of power supply, capacitor, shield to make sure the HILO module never "reboots".
Next time I play with this module I has to dive in the details of its power supply. Well, if I win this or similar project at all - it needs to be run on lead batteries for the final design. I suspect there is something weird going on power-wise. For me, USB power was enough in gateway mode but not as a microcontrolled unit!
Anyways I hope I could help some of you to kickstart this shield.
This thread has been very useful, but what I'm unable to find anywhere on the forums is someone who's successfully read data via the GPRS shield. Sending AT commands is working fine, but if we want to either read messages from our sim card, or download data, I've seen no examples of how this works except through hyperterminal.
Has anyone had any success getting arduino to read back AT responses from the shield?