libelium gsm shield not registering with network

Hello community,

I am having trouble with the quad band GSM module from Libelium. It does not register with the network. The module communicates without any problems, responds to AT commands and it is stable. It does not reset or freeze as it sometimes does for people.

The SIM does not have a pin. When I request the signal quality from the modem, it responds as expected with something like +CSQ: 21,99. When I request the list of available networks, it responds with a nice list exactly as my mobile phone does. When I however check for network connection status, it replies +CREG: 0,0. Is there any way I can force network registration?

I would also like to add something about my setup. The shield is plugged into the new UNO board and draws power from it over USB. As the manual suggest, it might not provide sufficient current, but as I understand it, this only causes the instabilities and freezes, which I do not have. I have also tried powering everything from an external 12V power source, but again only through the UNO board. But it should not really matter where I plug the power in, it will only change which stabilizer gets hot (and it gets finger burning hot).

I intend to add the extra capacitor to the GSM board and flash it with the 7.0 firmware and see if that helps, but I would be very grateful for any other hints what might be wrong.


(and it gets finger burning hot)

That is not right and needs addressing because how do you know the system is working correctly, that is power supply voltage ripple and voltage droop due to excessive current draw.

Otherwise it seems not to be an issue with the arduino but one of your GSM and network.

Hello Mike!

About the power drain. It gets that hot when I use the external power source, so I think that it is the result of 12V => 5V. It is actually not hot right away, only when I request the list of the available networks, when it starts searching. It also gets hot only when I use the external power source, not when it is powered by USB. In that case I am not sure if it can draw the required current, but since it does not reset/hang up as it did for others with insufficient power. The page Electronics project notes/Hilo Arduino GPRS shield notes - Helpful suggests, that the module requires 2A in peaks.

If you have trouble you suspect is related to an underpowered supply, you should consider soldering in a capacitor on the shield (between 5V and Gnd) which will be charged enough to supply ~2A in the half-millisecond bursts.

I have tried 3 different network providers and none of them seems to work :frowning:


To continue my monologue here, I started to suspect, that the module might not be communicating with the simcard at all and therefore it does not connect to the network. I do not get the "PSSTK welcome message".
On AT+KSREP? the module replies +KSREP: 0,2 which means according to the manual, that sim is not there. Does anyone have any suggestions before I send it back to libelium? I tried several sim cards, they all work in my phone, but not in the shield.
