Libraries for Attiny814 in Arduino IDE? USBASP


I have had success programming various attiny and stand alone chips in the Arduino IDE and USBASP. But I am issues finding the libraries or any info on programming the ATTINY 814. Any ideas would be appreciated.


See the documentation for megaTinyCore, which adds support for the tinyAVR 0-series and 1-series parts to Arduino - the UPDI programming protocol is totally different, but you can easily use an Arduino Nano or other classic AVR arduino to program them. GitHub - SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore: Arduino core for the tinyAVR 0/1/2-series - this is any ATtiny with 2, 4, 6, or 7 in the 1's place, 0, 1, or 2 in the tens, and the flash size in the remaining digits. LIBRARY AUTHORS - Does your library have issues with this core? Please touch base w/me so we can ensure a solution that works on all parts and won't be broken by future changes

I would recommend the 1614 over the 814 - the 1614 (and all the 16k and 32k 1-series parts) have a few "bonus" features beyond the flash, and the price difference is pretty small.

  • both 16 and 32k ones have 2k of SRAM
  • they have an extra type B timer
  • they support external ADC reference
  • they have a second ADC, a very strange feature within the AVR product line. Rarely useful (the core doesn't set this up or anything) but you can do some cool things with it for certain uncommon use cases.

There is, as far as I know, no central list of which libraries support the tinyAVR 0/1-series and megaAVR 0-series parts (including Uno WiFi Rev. 2 and Nano Every, which are based on the ATmega4809). Any library that relies on configuring the on-chip peripherals needs to be rewritten for these, as the new peripherals are very different (also, generally speaking, better), and progress on this front has been spotty.

Thank you! I got everything installed and going to test it out.