today i tried to run a example sketch named irtest
i tried it on the old arduino software "arduino-0022" and reports no problem but when i tried the same
sketch on the new "arduino-0033" and it gives this and more
(i coppied the entier libary derectorie from "arduino-0022" to the one of "arduino-0033" to make sure the problem wasn't there) so someone a thought?
sketch on the new "arduino-0033" and it gives this and more
What are you talking about? 0022 was followed by 0023 which was followed by 1.0. There never was, and never will be, a 0033 version.
but i only looked at the names of the maps.
so the old map is called arduino-0022
and the new one is called arduino-0033 => i didn't look to the actual program version, only to the master derectory name