Library for DHT11 Humidity Sensor from Scratch

Hi Guys,
I have been trying to create my own library from scratch using DHT11 sensor.
It's been weeks, and I am no where close to achieve it.
Could someone provide me the required DHT11.h, DHT11.cpp and the source file along with the keywords?

Any help/inputs would be highly appreciated.

Thank you so much.

@groundFungus, i know about the adafruit library.
But i need to create my own.

<Arduino: 1.6.1 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno"

DHT.ino:1:17: fatal error: DHT.h: No such file or directory

compilation terminated.

Error compiling.>

(I came across the above error while compiling all the three files.)
(By project.h, I meant dht.h.)


#ifndef DHT_h //prevents problems if someone accidently #include's your library twice
#define DHT_h
#include "Arduino.h" // access to the standard types and constants of the Arduino language
#define Tc

class DHT{
public: //can be accessed by anyone using your library
DHT(int pin); //all the variables and functions needed are defined here
float celsius();
float fahrenheit(celsius); //on the right is a constructor
long saturated_vapor_density();
float actual_vapor_density();
float relative_humidity();
double dewPoint;
private: // can be accessed within the class itself
int _pin;


#include "Arduino.h
#include "DHT.h"
pinMode(pin, INPUT);
_pin = pin;
float celsius
cel = (analogRead(_pin500)/1023);
float fahrenheit(float celsius)
fah = 1.8
cel + 32;
return fah;
long saturated_vapor_density()
s_v_d = 6.335 + 0.6718Tc - 2.0887
10-2(Tc2) + 7.3095(104)(Tc3); //it is Tc to power of 1,2,and 3
//and 10 to power of -2 and 4

float actual_vapor_density = 1.156;
float relative_humidity(){
r_h = (actual_vapor_density/s_v_d);
double dewPoint(){
d_p = Tc - ((100 - r_h));

/Tc is taken to be 25 degree - as this is the ideal temperature. Any value can be taken.
For 25 degree, the value obtained for actual vapor density is 1.156 g/m3.
Humidity is the actual vapor density by the saturated vapor density and is found to be 5% as in the datasheet.


celsius KEYWORD2
fahrenheit KEYWORD2
saturated_vapor_density KEYWORD2
relative_humidity KEYWORD2
dewPoint KEYWORD2


#include "DHT.h"
#define DHTPIN 4 //the pin sensor is connected to
#define DHTTYPE DHT11
void setup()

void loop {
delay(2000); //wait for few seconds before measurements
float fah = dht.fahrenheit();
long s_v_d = dht.saturated_vapor_density();
float r_h = dht.relative_humidity();
double d_p = dht.dewPoint();
Serial.print("Temp in Fahrenheit: ");
Serial.print("Saturated_Vapor_Density: ");
Serial.println(" gm/m3 ");
Serial.print("Relative Humidity: ");
Serial.print(" %\t ");
Serial.print("Dew Point: ");
Serial.println(' ');


Please do check my code and help me out.
I have been trying for days.

Thank you.

I'm confused- you ask for the .cpp and .h files (which is a library), then when you get a link to one you say that's no help since you need to make your own.

@kenwood120s yes, i need to make them from scratch.
That is the task given to me, i know it sounds absurd, but I still gave it a try.
But no success as of now.